Friday, June 8, 2007

the subconcious mind

doesnt it happen so many times that you try to remember the name of the lead singer of your favourite band... or the italian restraunt you dined in a month ago... you die recolletin it.. but it just doesnt click. sometime later when you already busy doin another task at hand..thinkin"oh,big deal..let it be.." occurs to you out of the blue! its unbounded bliss!

does it happen that desperate attempts to crack a code.. or solve most complicated problem in mathematics you ever seen fail..and demotivated ,you sccumb to sweet slumber.. and when the next morning you take a look again.. the dirty problem seems easier.. and the code mystery seems to unfold..

you want to buy a handset and you put all your resources in trying to find out its details and specifications... at times when you open any newspaper... or flash any channel.. it showing the advertisements and glimpses of the same phone.. and any person you meet is carrying that darn cell! we think 'whoa! what a co-incidence'!

whtas the cause, well no points for guessing, its our subconcious mind!
the human subconcious mind is very powerful! more than we can imagine! and is more alert and concious than most of the organs of our body. its like Alladin's gin- whatever the master says is true and has to be followed. When we think our concious mind is active and after a certian period of time it gets imprinted onto our subconcious portal. its random but permanent. the subconcious mind takes it as an assertion and not an imagination and tries to fulfil it by hook or crook! why do you think you get up on your won before time when you have set a zillion alarms for the physics test that morning.. never happens genreally does it:P its your subconcious mind alert and active recording everything when you said to yourself helplessly the night before.."i have to get up at 6.. i have to".its not your critic its your believer.
the biggest flaw of the subconcious mind is that it had absolutely no logic and reasoning power.
its an apprentice skilled in believeing whatever you say is nothin but the truth. any sort of a nagative feeling also affects it in the same way as positive.. when you say "i cant do it".. it takes it as you really cant, and unknowingly some percantage of your ability is reduced. thats why its always said.."neva say you cant, say you can, or you'll try.. its possible though".
what comes to your mind first when i say pink elepahnt.. a board sayin 'pink elephant 'or a picture of an elephant that is pink. why do we remember movies better than books??? coz its more similar to the way our mind functions. our subconcious mind is a everlasting film roll wher every action,view or imagination gets stored in the form of a visualizes everything. visualize yourself.. visulaize your success and what it ll take you to get there. dream beacuse it’s the foundation of your goal.

now dun get me wrong, im no philosophy personified. its just a linear combination of the of my interest in the subject, lotta time 2 think and a boring ordeal with a inspirational speaker whom my mom pushed me to talk to. nor am i here to tell you how and what to think .. only a few facts i thought would be nice 2 share( quite common for quite a few though).
'whatever your mind concieves it can achieve'-napolean hunt
intersting and thought provoking-isnt it??


Rachit Chandra said...

Hey! that was a nice thought provoking read. Btw ever noticed why so many Napoleans quote? there some guy called nap hill who has a quote on everything and anything!

siddharth b said...

intelligent work..
one more thing bout subconsciuos minds
take any wrod
suppose i wtire tehm whit the frist lteter and the last one correct, and all the ohter letters in beteewn jmubled, and u read it very fast, ull still read it like der wasnt a mistake

Unknown said...

quite a thought

Saurya Chakraborty said...

the sub concious mind...its quite a conundrum...the more the opinions put forward on it....the more hues it assumes(or seems to)....

Rishabh Kaul said...

@sidb: OMFG i got like 300 of those forwards

Shruti said...

hey... dat was a real gud one...
subconscious mind is something which is present yet absent...
divya i think u have an amazing flair 4 writin... and i think dat u really shud ask all our eng teachers to read ur blog... so dey shud feel guilty bout givin u low marks....lolzzzz....

divya said...

yea.. i read that in a couple of mails too! but a good point 2 add though...

Pallav said...

gud stuff... uve got the flair
ill be comin up wid a reply to this soon
alrite its not a reply... just sumthing connected
keep looking out...

Anonymous said...

not u too. i get enough psycho crap from my sis(who's a shrink) and now you. GAWD>>..wats da world comin to

Pallav said...

Are you even gonna ever blog again??!!!

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtfull post on the subconcious mind. It should be very much helpful.

Karim - Positive thinking